• Edwards分子泵nEXT85


     品牌:Edwards  材质:不锈钢  驱动方式:电动  
     流量:730 l/s m3/h 型号:nEXT85   

    nEXT730, nEXT930 and nEXT1230 turbo pumps

    nEXT55 and nEXT85 turbo pumps

    The nEXT55 and nEXT85 are the most compact of the nEXT range, these pumps offer pumping speeds of 55 l/s and 85 l/s for nitrogen.

    By introducing variants that are mountable in any orientation and delivering the same performance characteristics and reliability as current pumps, provides those customers with applications where required, even more flexibility.

    Discover our entry level of pumping stations combining the nEXT85 with a choice of backing pumps and a simple controller.

    nEXT240, nEXT300 and nEXT400 turbo pumps

    The nEXT240, nEXT300 and nEXT400 set the benchmark for scientific turbomolecular pumps, built on decades of experience and based on our tried and trusted EXT and STP ranges. 

    With these long established models we offer a wide variety of sizes and variants giving OEMs and end users a greater choice and the flexibility to tailor the most appropriate vacuum solution to meet their individual needs. 

    Explore how the nEXT300 can be combined with backing pumps options for higher capacity turbomolecular pumping stations.

    nEXT730, nEXT930 and nEXT1230 turbo pumps

    With the nEXT730, nEXT930 and nEXT1230, we have extended the range of our nEXT platform with three larger pumps offering speeds significantly over 730 l/s and 925 l/s and 1250 l/s for nitrogen. We have now taken these larger pumps a step further and can offer new high compression variants suitable for UHV applications and high throughput variants for harsh industrial applications. With these long established models we offer a wide variety of sizes and variants giving OEMs and end users a greater choice and the flexibility to tailor the most appropriate vacuum solution to meet their individual needs. 


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